Welcome to a brand new weekly feature - 'In Case You Missed It: Last Week's Most Important Mobile Marketing News.' We know how hard it can be to keep up with all the stories that come across our screen, so every Monday we'll recap the previous week's most important stories.
- Why SMS matters in the App Age @ Mobile Marketer "..the reach for an iPhone application is limited when compared to an SMS campaign, and the cost structure is very different as well. SMS wins the reach and cost efficiency argument right now."
- HP: No Windows Phone 7 for us, thanks @ Mobile Crunch "Now that HP’s purchase of Palm has earned them a smartphone OS of their very own, how do they plan to offer up products running competing operating systems like Android or Windows Phone 7 without dampening their efforts?"
- A Boon To Mobile Commerce, Amazon Now Sells Over $1B Per Year Via Mobile Devices @ Mobile Marketing Watch "...the company today announced that customers are now ordering more than $1 billion worth of products per year via mobile devices."
- Hands-On: Flipboard Turns Your iPad into a Personalized Magazine @ Wired "Flipboard is one of a growing category of iPad apps that build you a personal newspaper by grabbing content from your social networks."
- Location-Based Services: Competition Pushes the Check-In Forward @ Mobile Behavior "As the location space heats up, various contenders are looking to for ways to differentiate themselves. This week, Brightkite, Loopt, and SCVNGR all announced new features and thinking around the way people check-in."