Mobile marketing campaigns use a combination of push and pull tactics to optimize consumer engagement. While each approach has its benefits, push techniques have to be devised with close attention to the needs of your audience. A badly executed push campaign can come across as spammy, so it’s crucial that you go about it the right way from the very start.
Because of the difficulties in creating a solid push strategy, many marketers prefer to avoid it altogether, instead focusing on pull tactics such as responsive web design, mobile optimization and apps. That’s fine, and it’s undoubtedly true that a push campaign is a riskier strategy – but that’s exactly why it pays off so well if done right.
For a good example of a well-executed push campaign, take a look at flash-sale website Rue La La’s 2012 effort, which saw them use push notifications to grow mobile sales to a point where they exceeded desktop sales. By adopting a measured approach to push tactics, Rue La La kept the conversation between brand and consumer going, and it paid dividends.
Bear in mind, thought that push notifications can be switched off. Smartphone owners won’t hesitate to switch notifications off if they feel they’re being bombarded with alerts. To avoid this, make your communications a low priority for customers looking to switch notifications off. The most straightforward way to achieve this is to keep your messages to a minimum. It’s a fine line to walk: remaining visible but not annoying the recipient. As long as the notifications you do send offer something of value each and every time, contacts will be less inclined to include your brand in their monthly alert cull.
Despite the risks, push notifications are an incredibly effective method of engaging an audience. They come with an implicit sense of urgency attached because they go straight to mobile devices, which are usually with the recipient at all times. If you balance your push campaign with some tried and tested pull techniques, and link it up to your social media campaign, brand engagement and retention rates will increase, and ultimately translate into more conversions.